General Copyright & Privacy Information
Welcome to our Copyright & Privacy Policy page! All images on this page are owned by Progressive Portraits. You are free to share the images on this website provided you include a link back to this website in your share. The images are copyright protected which mean they cannot be printed or published without my written permission.
Your Privacy Is Important. Images of Adults or Children will never be shared without permission.
Our customers have the right to privacy, and I promise you that I will not use the photos I take of you or your children for promotional purposes without your consent. I may ask you to sign a model release document that allows me to use your images in social media or published brochures or ads, but you always have the right to decide whether you want to sign it or not. Animals, unless registered with a trademark, are not subject to privacy laws. While I try to ask for permission for the use of pet images, there is no legal limitation.
All photographic prints, photo merchandise and paintings are copyright protected.
This means that without my written permission it is illegal to print or publish copies of photographic prints, merchandise or paintings that you purchase from me. The digital image is the only product I sell that includes written permission to print and publish unlimited times.
The Copyright Privacy Laws protect both you & me.
These laws work to keep you safe from those who may try to manipulate or use your image improperly, and these laws also protect my business from those who shoplift merchandise from me by copying and printing it. When my artwork is taken without my permission, I lose business and am unable to support myself.
Sharing Your Images On Social Media
If you purchased a digital image from me of your portrait session, you have permission to share your image online however you would like. If you did not purchase a digital image, I would be happy to provide you with an image that you may share on your social media pages for free, however there will be a small copyright symbol and wording on the image. These free images that I provide are for sharing only and are not to be printed. Please note, that I respect your privacy and will never post images of adults or children on social media without your permission.